Beginners Yoga Level 2 Course ~ 5 weeks

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Starts Thursday 11th March 7.15pm-8.45pm, 13/21 Heart and Mind Yoga, $125 for 5 weeks

Once you’ve learned the basics, you’re ready to take your yoga to the next level

In the Beginners Yoga Level 2 Course you’ll build on your foundations learnt in the Beginners course to learn more advanced variations of the asanas and sequencing.

You’ll deepen your understanding of the mind and body benefits of yoga including evidence based tips for reducing anxious tendencies, and building your inner strengths - such as developing resilience and experiencing more joy.

Even if you’ve been practising yoga for some time, you’ll benefit from this course by refining your alignment in standing poses such as warrior and triangle series along with developing your awareness of breathing, meditation and relaxation techniques.

Over the 5 weeks you will receive:

  • 5 X 90 minute small group workshop sessions with your certified yoga teacher and personal trainer to advance your asana practice

  • Ways to build your inner strengths drawing on the wisdom of yoga and the science of wellbeing

  • Weekly email support including evidence based tips for ‘topping up your wellbeing bank account.’

You’ll learn further mind and body benefits of yoga including:

  • How the experience of stress affects our breath, our immune system, and our general state of health - and how yoga can help us

  • Developing your strength and flexibility through conscious controlled movement

  • Develop your breathing practices (pranayama) for finding inner calm, feeling grounded, and sleeping better

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About your Teacher

Jo Jarden is a certified personal trainer and yoga teacher in Christchurch and the founder of Heart and Mind Yoga studio. She has 10 years experience in health promotion in New Zealand and Australia including management and promotion of national chronic disease prevention programs. She now helps people one on one with their wellbeing through yoga teaching, personal training, workplace yoga and wellbeing workshops. 

Qualifications include:

Certified Yoga Teacher Santosha Yoga Institute, Registered Australian Yoga Alliance 2017
Certificate in Advanced Personal Training, Fit College New Zealand, 2016
Bachelor of Science with Honours Public Health. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2006
Bachelor of Arts Mass Communication and Psychology. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2005

When and where is it?

Starts Thursday March 11th 7.15pm-8.45pm and held every Thursday for 5 weeks.

Location: Heart & Mind Yoga 13/21 Bealey Ave Christchurch
$125 for 5 weeks.

Spaces are limited