30 Days to find your Vitality


“Become the person you seek to be”

Do you want to feel more physical vitality? Experience more mental peace? Live with purpose?

In this 30 Days to Find Your Vitality program you will get clear on your personal vision, your core values you wish to live by, and establish solid mind and body habits so you can step into your real potential lin 2021.

If we don’t have a clear vision for our lives, we get caught up in other peoples priorities and the entaglements of the ‘everyday life’. We are all enititled to an inspired and purposeful life. It does takes some work to create a life based on our own true values, and aspirations.

It is possible to create your own path - to have an experience of life thats joyful and inspiring. It is possible to live with physcial viality, mental peace, and to have a meaninful purposeful life.

What will you get in the program?

Based on the wisdom of yoga, along with evidence based practices you will:

  • Set intentions for your inspiring vision for the year

  • Get clarity on the values you want to live by

  • Create minihabits to bring your vision to reality

How does the course work?

You will attend one in class session per week with Jo, your certified yoga teacher and personal trainer and recieve daily practices for the week ahead to consolidate your habits.

Specifically the course includes:

  • 4 x in class sessions with your certified yoga teacher, including mini workouts and yoga

  • Daily meditations, yoga practices, miniworkouts and encouraging notes to keep you on path

  • Breathing practices for finding inner calm

  • The scientific benefits of wellbeing practices

  • How to regulate your emotions

  • Realise your inner strengths for cultivating reslience

  • Mind and body practices for relaxation, sleeping better, and getting clarity of mind

    *Special bonus offer*

    Attend any classes on the weekly schedule FREE of charge for the duration of this couse, to help you keep up your regular mind and body practices

About your teacher

Jo Studio pose.jpg

Jo Jarden is a certified personal trainer and yoga teacher in Christchurch and the founder of Heart and Mind Yoga studio. She has 10 years experience in health promotion in New Zealand and Australia including management and promotion of national chronic disease prevention programs. She now helps people one on one with their wellbeing through yoga teaching, personal training, workplace yoga and wellbeing workshops. 

Qualifications include:

Certified Yoga Teacher Santosha Yoga Institute, Registered Australian Yoga Alliance 2017
Certificate in Advanced Personal Training, Fit College New Zealand, 2016
Bachelor of Science with Honours Public Health. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2006
Bachelor of Arts Mass Communication and Psychology. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2005

When and where does it start?

Starts Wednesday 20 January 7.15pm (First in class session of 4 sessions)

Location: Heart & Mind Yoga 13/21 Bealey Ave Christchurch
Investment: $140

Beginner yogis are welcome. No experience required.

Spaces are limited

What do people say about Jo and Heart and Mind Yoga?

“The course was exactly what I needed. Jo provided a wonderful, authentic atmosphere for yoga and sharing our stories. She used her life moments as examples for all of us to relate to and learn from.”

- Rosie

“Jo gave us practical tips to implement in our own lives. I’m so grateful to have met Jo and connect with everyone on the course in a small way. We all seemed to be struggling with stress and now I feel inspired to keep going with my yoga practice and to live my more authentic self. “
