5 Yoga Inspired Thoughts


As we come to the end of 2020, it’s a nice time to look back on our year constructively. Here’s 5 yoga inspired thoughts to for you to enjoy as you reflect on your year

1. We can’t control the world around us, but we can control our internal world

One thing we’ve all been exposed to this year is uncertainty. This year has in fact helped us realise that nothing is certain – the world is beyond our control. We can’t control the world, but we can control our response.  Yoga helps us go inward and build our inner strengths so we build an inner sense of steadiness and an ability to chose wisdom and contentment amongst the most difficult situations.

No one said this was easy – that’s why yoga is known as discipline.

When we sit on our yoga mat, our mind is busy. We practice over and over again to be the witness of our breath, and notice the sensations in our body without getting swept away with our thoughts. With compassion toward ourself, and with consistent effort, over time we build our muscle of awareness. Chade-Meng Tan, who delivers wellbeing programs with Google explains this practice is the foundation of all cognitive abilities. It helps us not only cope better with uncertainty, but we top up our cup so much we can truly flourish in life.

Your body is designed to be strong and resilient, not weak and fragile

2. Go easy on yourself

It’s easy to be really hard on ourselves, and beat ourself up for not doing as well as we’d like. Remember you need to be your own best first. Talk to yourself like a good friend would talk to you. Say things like, ‘anyone would find this hard’, ‘you’re doing well’, or ‘you’re not flawed in anyway because you’re struggling’. Self compassion is a practice we can get better at over time. We develop an inner wise, comforting and encouraging voice that can help us feel more positive and confident. According to Dr Kristin Neff, this practice reduces anxiety and depression.

3. Your body is a miracle

Even though we punish our body through lack of exercise, overeating, and the occasional hangover, the body has miraculous regenerative powers. Your body is designed to be strong and resilient, not weak and fragile. When we give a bit back to our body with movement, and with nourishment, we get untold benefits.

4. We live in a time full of abundance

Living in New Zealand is a privilege. We live in a place with freedoms that others in the world would only dream of. We also live in a time on Earth where we are blessed with abundance and opportunity. Get out in the wide open spaces, embrace the opportunities for personal growth, experience the incredible rugged and beautiful landscape.  Even our ability to breath, to be alive and to experience this moment – reminds us that it’s a miracle we were even born. When we shine our awareness on that which we are thankful for, we create a beautiful flourishing experience of life. Choosing to practice gratitude is a choice….its there for the taking.

5. What are you going to offer to the world?

As you look to the year ahead, ask yourself, “What am I going to offer to the world?” How can you give to others in a way that’s meaningful for you? What are your unique gifts? The world needs your unique voice. What are you willing to risk in your efforts to bring your gifts to the world? You may just find when you begin to pursue this path, it not only benefits those around you, but you feel fulfilled and content. You find that you have a sense of feeling connected to something purposeful, something truly meaningful. So it’s good for you too.

I wish you a restful Christmas break with lots of quiet self-reflection

Warm yogi regards


Jo Jarden is a personal trainer, yoga teacher, facilitator of wellbeing workshops and founder of Heart and Mind Yoga studio in Christchurch New Zealand. She has 10 years experience in health promotion in New Zealand and Australia including management and promotion of national chronic disease prevention programs.

Jo helps people to thrive in life. Her approach is two-fold:

  1. She supports people with a body and mind approach to find purpose, and

  2. Helps people reveal limiting beliefs, and subconscious narratives that shape our behaviours, our health, relationships and our performance.

Qualifications include: Certified Yoga Teacher Santosha Yoga Institute, Registered Australian Yoga Alliance 2017
Certificate in Advanced Personal Training, Fit College New Zealand, 2016
Bachelor of Science with Honours Public Health. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2006
Bachelor of Arts Mass Communication and Psychology. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2005