Build your inner steadiness amidst the turmoil of the world

Our world can often feel more turbulent and uncertain than ever. Yet, we don’t seem to take a moment to realise that WE are most likely feeding the frenzy ourselves!

Many of us give away our power to socially constructed fictions like and the media and the social media narrative of the day - all of which are usually focussed on fear, outrage, social comparison and not enoughness. Or we gather with our friends and complain about how our life is so difficult. That our life isn’t going as we expected – as if the challenges in our life have lesser value.

That’s not a good way to live, because we essentially waste our life way always striving to control everything so we can feel comfortable. We are too quick to judge what is ‘good’ and ‘bad.’

Yoga, by helping us go inward and being present, can take us deeper to find a more stable sense of reality, where we can be content with what is (even discomfort) and feel our own power to calm our minds and open our hearts.

Connect to your inner steadiness through:

1.      Becoming aware of the unhealthy trends in you and around you

2.      Connecting with your deeper Self   

3.      Cultivating our inner strengths based on values such as taking responsibility, courage, authenticity, awareness, finding wisdom.

Become aware of the unhealthy trends

We have a society that is encouraging ‘rescuing’ victims rather than empowering people

We have lost our ability to be with ourselves especially when we are uncomfortable, lonely, uncertain or afraid. Our problems are not special. We most likely don’t need a special label to identify why we are struggling. We are just struggling. Instead of filling the void with booze, over socialising, scrolling Instagram and Facebook, keeping busy, if we can be with ourselves, with compassion for our own painful feelings, we see deeper into ourself, and shed the old self so a new self emerges.

Growth only comes through struggle. Rescuing someone, or wanting to be rescued, is very rewarding, and feels honourable to us doing the rescuing. But it is actually only disempowering the person you are trying to help. You are most likely stunting their growth more by trying to protect them from the challenges of life – because you haven’t addressed your own stories and dysfunctional ways.

Encouraging others to take responsibility, by stepping back and allowing them to clamber through the turmoil, and finding their own way, is the hero’s path.

There is a process that happens to us over time called social conditioning

We are born these wild unique beings with limitless potential to bring good to the world and to experience a deep fulfilling life. Then social conditioning happens to us. These are cages we get put in, so we start to play roles based on who the world wants us to be instead of living by who we are on the inside. We lose ourselves in our relationships, our job roles and life starts to feel mundane and glum. You can unearth these beliefs that are so engrained in you. They are controlling your decisions in your life.

Challenging social conditioning

We can begin to unravel this process of social conditioning with questioning things like: What am I willing to give up to live a life more on my own terms? How can I prioritise my health and happiness even if it means upsetting others?  Do I have other interests outside of my children, my family? What was I conditioned to believe about being a good daughter, son, wife? What would make me feel more alive? Do I need to go on holiday at the same time as everyone else? Is there another way of living? Could I have more adventurous experiences by owning a bit less or downsizing?

Connecting with our deeper Self

When you spend time in your own company, you can:

Close your eyes and go inwards, and reflect on the deeper questions of who am I, and why am I here, and you are more likely to live your life based on your own true values rather than what society, advertising and consumerist culture tells you is true.

Or you could spend time away from technology and distractions, in a natural environment, and feel the life force that flows down from the open sky, through the mountains, river and trees, through all living being beings and through us. This reminds us of our connectedness with all things, and at a deep level, beyond our egos and emotional turmoil,  that all is well

Yoga provides many pathways to go on this inner journey and soak in the wisdom of many great masters down through the centuries. These great yogis lived to perfect the art of finding true inner freedom and bliss.

*Learn more about how to build your inner steadiness in my upcoming One-day Yoga Retreat Sunday 30th July

**In my next blog, I will share thoughts on 6 practical ways to build your inner steadiness and strength.

Jo Jarden is a certified personal trainer and yoga teacher in Christchurch New Zealand and the founder of Heart and Mind Yoga studio. She has 10 years experience in health promotion in New Zealand and Australia including management and promotion of national chronic disease prevention programs. She now helps people one on one with their wellbeing through yoga teaching, personal training, workplace yoga and wellbeing workshops. 

Qualifications include:

Certified Yoga Teacher Santosha Yoga Institute, Registered Australian Yoga Alliance 2017
Certificate in Advanced Personal Training, Fit College New Zealand, 2016
Bachelor of Science with Honours Public Health. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2006
Bachelor of Arts Mass Communication and Psychology. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2005