6 Ways to Build your Inner Steadiness and Strength

When everything seems so uncertain and turbulent, yoga encourages us to look inward to find a stable sense of reality.

Last week I shared how we can connect to our inner steadiness through becoming aware of the unhealthy trends in you and around you, and connecting with your deeper Self.

This week I share 6 ways to build your inner steadiness and strength based on values such as taking responsibility, courage, authenticity, awareness, finding wisdom.

1.      Encourage others (and yourself) to become response-able

When people stop believing that somebody’s got their back or that superman (or superwoman) is coming, they turn to themselves. And this is when they become empowered.

They begin to take responsibility for their own thinking, their own perception and what they say. They learn that their thoughts are units of mental energy and that their thoughts shape their life experience.

When we deliberately choose high-level thinking and match it with elevated emotions, we will live with more joy and vitality. And….all that is not aligned will begin to leave your life.

Learn to be disciplined in what you react and respond to – not everyone deserves your time energy and your attention. Life responds to the quality of your thoughts, and the quality of your character.

The hero’s journey is not about piggy-backing someone through the mud so they don’t get their toes dirty. They will have to find their own way through the struggle – it’s the only way to build inner strength.

The best thing you can do for others struggling, is not to impose your beliefs onto them about what they should do, but rather be a role model. Do challenging things yourself. Show them how to step into the unknown and figure the hard sh*** out as you go, and trust in yourself that you have it within you, to figure it out.  Let them find their own way, ask them what they really want. Most people have never considered what they really want because no one has ever shown them it could be possible, or that they might be capable of it.

2.      Start casting votes for the type of person you want to become

All the tiny decisions you make throughout your day creates who you are. You are casting votes for the type of person you want to become. If you're trying to lose weight or cut back on drinking, make a conscious effort to let go of what is 'wrong with you', and focus your awareness on your next move forward.

Imagine you are already a healthy fit gym goer. And then, in a moment of decision making about whether to go on that walk/workout or not, ask yourself, what would a healthy fit person do in this moment? They would put their walking shoes on, then head out the door (even with the resistance!). This is a vote toward becoming a healthy fit person. Now, keep casting votes for that person, with your meals, your rest, your recovery and how you talk to yourself! Imagine you are already that person. Your mind doesn’t know the difference.

By the way, talking yourself out of it over and over, without action, and reminding yourself how lazy and unhealthy you are, is a great way to cast votes for the person you don’t want to become.

3.      Design your life from inside out (not from the outside in).

This is where true freedom begins. We start to realise we have deeply engrained beliefs (I call these stories) we are basing our lives upon which may not be serving us, or the world. Ask yourself what matters to you? What are your true values? What are your gifts?

You can re-write your stories from the past to something more empowering, something that reflects your true nature (rather than on what others have wanted you to be).

Get out in nature, notice the abundance in the world, practice yoga and get out of your head and into your heart and you will start to realise the limitless potential you have, and that bliss and contentment, and inner peace lies right there inside of you.

Make your inner life the greatest adventure – it is a wonderful place to explore! 

4.      Who and what you spend your time on matters

Life is short, we can die at any time. Many of us give up years of our life pleasing others because they want us to be a certain way for them. Remind yourself of the cost – the time in your life you will never get back. But most importantly what we are depriving the world of by you not spending time on that thing that truly matters to you.

5.       Our reason for being here is to make a positive difference in the world

Make your life about what you give, not what you can get. Our life is about taking time to find your unique gifts and being brave enough to bring that into the world for the benefit of others. Think of the difference you could make in the world if you decided to pursue that thing that’s calling you, rather than tend to the priorities of others around you who don’t have a clear vision for their own life.

6.       People are going to constantly judge us

Whether we go after our big dreams or do nothing, we are going to be judged either way. If we sit on the couch eating McDonalds and scrolling through social media all day, our parents and friends will say “you’re lazy, do something with your life”. If we go chase after the most compelling vision for our life, we will have people who are going to judge us and try to bring us down. So we might as well do something with our lives, and choose only very specific people for feedback.

"To understand life is to understand ourselves, and that is both the beginning and the end of education." —J. KRISHNAMURTI

Warm yogi regards

*Learn more about how to build your inner steadiness in my upcoming Wellness Workshop Build Your Mental Mental Fitness

Find mental peace, Physical vitality, Live with purpose. Body and mind practices to relax your nervous system and have more clarity of mind. Learn how to grow your inner strengths. No yoga experience required . What’s Included: Luxury lavender eye pillow, restorative firm yoga bolster, green tea & refreshments, Location Koha Fitness & Health Club 48 Hereford St, Christchurch $60

Jo Jarden is a certified personal trainer and yoga teacher in Christchurch New Zealand and the founder of Heart and Mind Yoga studio. She has 10 years experience in health promotion in New Zealand and Australia including management and promotion of national chronic disease prevention programs. She now helps people one on one with their wellbeing through yoga teaching, personal training, workplace yoga and wellbeing workshops. 

Qualifications include:

Certified Yoga Teacher Santosha Yoga Institute, Registered Australian Yoga Alliance 2017
Certificate in Advanced Personal Training, Fit College New Zealand, 2016
Bachelor of Science with Honours Public Health. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2006
Bachelor of Arts Mass Communication and Psychology. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2005