The problem with goal setting in our modern world
Instead Develop a Creative Mindset
Problem 1. The goals are not from within – they based on outside influence
These days, for most people when they dream of their ideal life, they only dream of what they already believe. This is the problem with goal setting in our modern world. Usually, when we set a goal, it’s based on outside influence. It not set based on what is inside our heart – our soul.
Goals set by outside influence, include things that are coming into us, from our world around us. For example, from the news, from artificial ‘intelligence ‘on social media, from the conditioned consumerist culture of our society, family expectations and from our upbringing. We set goals based on a very limited perspective of what life is all about.
Most people live most of their life like this. The odd person might have a ‘mid life crisis’ in their 40’s for example, where they start to question, “What’s this all about”? “Who am I really?” “This job I thought I loved, feels kind of meaningless?” Or, “this marriage hasn’t brought me the happiness I was told it would.” The life you once dreamed of, might start to feel unfulfilling, or even miserable. For some, a health scare of some sort can wake them up to these deeper questions.
Problem 2. We are conditioned from an early age to lose touch with our real self
From an early age, we are taught to copy others, to follow goals that come from an outside influence. We are not really shown, or role modelled that instead, our life can be a beautiful creative canvas of our own design.
We are taught to copy others, to follow in the footsteps of the path already taken, rather than step into the unknown and find our own way based on our curiosities, and our unique gifts and strengths.
Goals set from outside influence are not based on what’s inside your heart, your real inner self. They are goals based on stories about who others have wanted us to be and from our fear-based culture around us – which are usually based on fear, scarcity, and limitation.
Instead, develop a creative mindset
Having a creative mindset means you have a vision for your life. You bring to the world something from within, something that’s invisible into the visible. You take responsibility for your life, and you have a compelling purpose that you work towards that’s bigger than you and about contribution to others and the world round you. It forces you to grow and evolve and live with purpose. Your vision is pioneering, and inspiring, and creates a meaningful, joyful way of living.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand” -Albert Einstein
6 Ways to develop a creative mindset
1. Have a vision for your life
Many of us do not have a future that sufficiently inspires us. We all need that thing in our life that’s something to look forward to, that pulls us into action, that keeps us growing.
Its important to take time to consider what is your vision for your life? What do you see in your future? What type of person are you? How are you living?
“You need to understand that what you think you want isn’t always what’s best for you and others. You need to open your heart to learn what you want before you use this magic, otherwise if you don’t really know what you want and you get what you think you want, you’re going to end up getting what you don’t want” - James Doty
2. Talk more about your vision than your problems
Energy flows where your attention goes. Interestingly, people often get addicted to the fact that they’ve got a problem which only leads to anxiety, tension, and worry. We are often so busy avoiding and trying to fix a history we cannot change, we don’t realise that we are capable of visualising a better future.
We can visualise an inspiring future for ourselves that includes joy, and freedom and relaxation that we can work towards. This is not denying or avoiding our problems, it’s acknowledging our problems, but making a choice to put all our energy into possibilities.
If we focus on specific goals that benefit ourselves and others, we will feel fulfilled.
“When you commit to something that that is beyond the current version of yourself, this will keep you fulfilled” – Peter Crone
3. Use challenging times to propel you in the direction of your vision
Even in the most challenging of circumstances many great teachers before us, have demonstrated that when circumstances are really pressing against us, the only way to overcome them can be to go within. For example Victor Frankl, the Austrian psychologist and Holocaust survivor once said “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”
What we can do is ask ourself, “if this experience were to last forever, what quality would have to emerge from me to have peace of mind?” Perhaps you realise you need strength? When your attention starts to focus on that quality, rather than resisting the difficulties, you start to feel more positive. The challenges serve you because it activates latent potential, so you feel more motivated to move in the direction of a vision that’s bigger than the problem. You are then being pulled by the possibility and vision.
“Pain pushes until the vision pulls” – Michael Beckwith
4. Realise that life is led by choice, not chance
The most powerful thing you can realise is that life is lead by choice, not chance. Most people think life is happening to them, rather than something they are actively creating. This is a very disempowering and reactive mindset. A creative mindset means you take responsibility for setting a positive inspiring vision for your life and take steps in that direction.
“At any moment, you are one choice away from a meaningfully better life” – James Clear
5. Create what you are thirsty for
We all get emotionally and spiritually dehydrated in this world. The wise yogis would say this this is an opportunity - that we must bring to the world what we most need to find.
The reason most people never make an impact on the world, is because they think they can’t. They lack confidence and focus too much on their anxieties and insecurities. Most people don’t think highly enough of themselves. They think “Who am I to try and make a difference in the world?” This is the voice of an inner insecurity. They lack the confidence to ask themselves “How could I contribute?”
Because if not you, then who?
When we give to the world the greatest gift of who we are, it becomes our greatest joy, and we start to see we have much greater potential than we realised, and as a result, we feel less separated from the world.
The point of becoming more conscious and more wise, is not to simply go within, or live in a cave somewhere, or just sit on the couch at home(!). We need to shake up the world.
“Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change” - Neville Goddard
6. Be-Do (Not Do-Be)
Most people are operating from a mindset of, “if I just do this, then I can be this.”
Having a creative mindset means we flip this around and ask ourselves – Who do I want to be? This encourages us to think deeply about our identity – What are my core values? Who would I be if no one knew of me?
Rather than tune into the rules of what the world tells you will bring you happiness and success, start to look inward and be who you really are. Listen to the quiet voice within – some call this your soul – and design your life based on this, not what society says. When you change who you are, the people around you, and the world starts to shift.
“The universe doesn’t give you what you want, it gives you who you are” - Michael Beckwith
How to have a compelling vision for your life:
Put more energy into your vision than your problems - If we focus on specific goals that benefit ourselves and others, we will feel fulfilled.
Create what you are thirsty for. Be the change you want to see. When we give to the world the greatest gift of who we are, we start to see we have much greater potential than we realised, and as a result, we feel less separated from the world.
Have a ‘Be-Do’ mindset, (Not Do-Be) – work on who you are. Start to unravel the layers of who you ‘should be’, and allow yourself to become who you truly are.
Ask yourself:
How can I make my life a beautiful canvas of my own design?
What type of person do I want to become?
What strengths and unique gifts do I already have?
What does willingness look like? What am I willing to risk?
What unhelpful beliefs from my past will I need to let go of?
What are the first few steps I will take this week toward my vision?
Learn more at the upcoming One-day Yoga Retreat Saturday 18th January. $155 includes lunch. Click the image below to book
Jo Jarden is a personal trainer, yoga teacher, and the founder of Heart and Mind Yoga studio 54 Holmwood Road, Merivale, Christchurch. She has 12 year's experience as personal trainer, yoga teacher, and workshop facilitator including working with:
Business executives
Gyms, group yoga & fitness classes
Farmers and rural settings
Workplace retreats, events, and conferences
Her approach combines both body and mind practices to help people boost their health and general feelings of positivity. She utilises the combination of ancient yoga wisdom and wellbeing science techniques to help people release tension and grow their inner strengths.
Qualifications include:
Certified Yoga Teacher Santosha Yoga Institute, Registered Australian Yoga Alliance 2017
Certificate in Advanced Personal Training, Fit College New Zealand, 2016
Bachelor of Science with Honours Public Health. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2006
Bachelor of Arts Mass Communication and Psychology. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2005