3 Ways to Feel Good

We all get emotionally and spiritually dehydrated at times in this world. We succumb to the daily ‘grind of life’ until one day we wake up and look at ourselves in the mirror and realise….“I don’t think I’m that healthy?”

What matters is not that we have got off track, but more, knowing how to get back on track

The main thing to remember is, that it is possible to take control back, and start to feel vibrant energised and fulfilled in our daily life.

Based on the wisdom of yoga, and the science of wellbeing, here’s 3 of my favourite ways to get back control of your physical and mental health  - to feel good (and even great!) in our body, mind and soul.

3 ways to feel good

  1. Get moving

    Regular exercise is not only good for your physical wellbeing, it also increases self esteem and reduces anxiety and stress. The power sits with you, right now, in the present moment. Take small actions, regularly – even with your current perceived restrictions. What CAN you do? Extra small is best. Start casting votes for the type of person you wish to become. Try breaking up long periods of sitting with a few air squats, a plank, a few pushups.

  2. Work on your inner world

    Make sure you’re not just working out, but also working in.

    Both the yoga wisdom and the wellbeing science tells us that people who are mentally strong have a deep knowing of who they are, what their unique strengths are, and create their life based on their authentic values rather than what society tells them will bring them success.

    Carve out an afternoon to yourself (preferably in nature) and consider questions like, what would I do with my life if no one knew of me? Imagine you’re at the end of your life, and ask yourself - What do I want to be remembered for? How could I love myself more, even with small actions? What lights me up, inspires me?

    When you start to see the bigger picture of your life – what you are here for, where you are headed, and why you’re doing it, every activity and experience feels intentional and meaningful

  3. Get the basics in order - Cultivate healthy habits from how you sleep, you eat, and how you train your mind. Cultivate healthy habits from how you sleep, you eat, and how you train your mind. When we scroll through social media in our down time, and continuously check up on the news, we are training our muscle of distraction. We are essentially getting better at the skill of distraction and reinforcing the unhealthy belief that the world is scary and that the universe is not working for you - that you should be fearful of the world.

    Take one small action, like creating a technology free room in your home, and reading an inspiring quote. The key is to do this even though you’re not in the mood.

    And remember, go easy on yourself. Being on our own side, rather than being self critical - especially when we slip up with our habits - is much more effective for creating healthy habits in our life. When we are harshly self-critical it activates our sympathetic nervous system response leading to increased cortisol levels, inflammation and other side effects. It also makes you anxious and lowers your ability to perform.Try being on your own own side when things get hard for you, talk to yourself like you would to a good friend if they were in need. Offer yourself supportive caring words.

     “Self compassion allows us to develop a wise encouraging voice to help us be more motivated and effective in our life.”  – Dr Kristin Neff

Jo Jarden is a health coach, yoga teacher, personal trainer and founder of Heart and Mind Yoga Christchurch New Zealand. She helps people find mental peace, physical vitality, and to live with purpose

Services include:

  • Workplace Yoga - 1 hour yoga session, or wellbeing workshops

  • Private Session - 1 hour health coaching session, beginners yoga session

  • Community events - Wednesday weekly classes

  • Retreats - Beachside Retreat Saturday 21st January (click the image below to learn more)

    Book your session here, or contact Jo 022 125 3011