
How to embrace the unknown

“The nature of life is uncertain” – Peter Crone

Every person on earth wants to live a fulfilling inspiring life. Yet most people don’t want to embrace the uncertainty that comes with this, because its scary.

We want security and comfort, AND we want adventure and inspiration. But something has to give. You will have to let go of needing to be in control, and take some risks, and step into the unknown – and even embrace the unknown.

Embracing uncertainty is the key to a fulfilling life.

Leaning into fear

When I reflect back on some of the most uplifting life giving moments in my life, they all involved a little bit (or a lot) of ‘quietly freaking out’ the night before.

Like the night before a big wellbeing event, when I’m holding it all together – the organising, the preparation of my teachings, the hoping things will go to plan. Or the night before I jumped into a van after selling everything I owned, to start living a more freeing creative life. Or the night before I opened my small business. Even something as seemingly minor such as the effort it takes to go on an afternoon walk up the hills – theres always a small part of me that would rather stay relaxing at home doing quiet things that all this hassle of finding my shoes, getting across town to the hills….oh the hassle and the stress!

Yes the night and moments before I do something most life giving and rewarding I often remember thinking to myself – what the h*** am I doing!

And at the same time, there was always a small part of me that choose love.

That part of me that knew this was what I wanted to do, despite the fearful voices. I chose to lean toward the curious part of me that thought – “What if this is the most incredible uplifting fulfilling experience that could benefit both me and others around me for the better?”

Life is uncertain

So how can we learn to be happy when the future is so unknown?

We all have both a higher bigger sense of self (love and courage), and a smaller sense of self (our ego). Our small sense of self wants to know, wants to predict, wants to figure it all out, and wants security. We all have this fearful part of us – our ego. This part of us is not going to help us life a fulfilling life. So the art of fulfilment is to notice this voice, but lean toward the courageous part of us, the curious part of us.

You see, the nature of life IS uncertainty. Its just our ego that’s not comfortable with this!

The truth is, You NEVER know what’s going to happen in life. Your work is to learn to be at peace not knowing whats going to happen. This is where youll feel real ease and freedom.

The illusion of control

My teacher Srikumar Rao, (from the Rao Institute) has said that “Nothing is in our control.” The world is beyond our control whether we like it or not – stuff happens! He explains that most of us have a very rigid idea of how the universe should be and our entire life has been an attempt to control some part of the universe. This is why we are all so stressed!

To get to the root of how to eliminate stress and become more resilient we have to start to think differently. We think stress is because we don’t have enough money, or that life is not going how we want it to, or if “I just had a bigger house,” or “if my relationship was in a different way…..then I’d be happy.”

This is all an illusion of control. Because even if we achieve all these goals, at some point in your life they will break down.

It’s ok to have all these things, the key is to have it knowing its an illusion. So that when it breaks down its not the end of your world.

Embracing uncertainty

Few people have tapped into this secret of a fulfilling life - of finding true freedom by embracing uncertainty. With some curiosity and open mindedness, you might consider that it is possible to learn to be at peace with not knowing how its all going to pan out.

To summarise here’s some questions to help you embrace uncertainty to live a a fulfilling adventurous and enriching life.

  • Understand that wanting security is a futile activity – it’s exhausting! Can you understand the nature of life is uncertain. Just like saying fire is hot – its just innate. Life is uncertain. And how OK are you with that?

  • Take a risk - Are you willing to take a step forward, without knowing exactly how it will unfold, especially if your actions will benefits you an people around you for the better?

  • Can you consider that life is a beautiful canvas of your own design and make uncertainty exciting? Could you start to design an exciting inspiring future for yourself?

  • Even if unwanted things happen in my life – Can I take on an understanding that the Universe is giving me what I most need for my evolution and growth?

  • Bring the unknown into the known - Do you have an inspiring vision for your life? Can you cultivate a creative mindset and bring to the world what you are most thirsty for? How can you give to something greater than yourself? Do you have a clear purpose in your life?

Jo Jarden is a health coach, yoga teacher, personal trainer and founder of Heart and Mind Yoga Christchurch New Zealand. She helps people find mental peace, physical vitality, and to live with purpose

Services include:

  • Workplace Yoga - 1 hour yoga session, or wellbeing workshops

  • Private Session - 1 hour health coaching session, beginners yoga session

  • Community events - Wednesday weekly classes

  • Retreats - Beachside Retreat Saturday 21st January (click the image below to learn more)

    Book your session here, or contact Jo 022 125 3011