Everybody is a genius

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live it’s whole life believing that it is stupid” – Albert Einstein

To me, this quote reflects the state of our society in many ways. Many of us are busy trying to be a fish, when in fact we are a bird, or a monkey!

There is a genius within you, some unique gifts that the deepest part of you is asking you to bring this to the world.

You might not believe this, because you have been listening to the voices of our fear-based culture around us. These voices of lack, and limitation and scarcity telling you that you are not enough as you are, that you must perfect, perform and achieve to be a ‘success.’ You may have been fooled to believe that being a genius is someone who has a certain IQ, or a certain job title, or an exam mark at school.

But everyone is a genius. Everyone has a gift. We want to make sure that we have a vision for our life that’s based on our own true calling - not someone else’s.

Sometimes we find ourselves being pulled by the strings of someone else’s agenda. We realise all along we haven’t been living in alignment to our own purpose and we start to feel a bit low and glum, and uninspired.

“If you don't make the time to work on creating the life you want, you're eventually going to be forced to spend a lot of time dealing with a life you don't want” Kevin Ngo.

How to water the seeds of your own calling

As Einstein says, you have a genius within you. If you are loyal to your own calling, and listen to those quiet whispers within, you start to water the seeds of your own calling.

Here’s 5 suggestions on how you could  water the seeds of your calling:

1.      Start to pay attention inward, not outwards

Rather than ask yourself “How can I fit into the world?” instead, ask yourself “What is my genius within me? What are my unique tendencies that make me, me? Am I living in alignment to myself, or by societies rules?”  Try going to a yoga class, spend time in your own company and listen to the wisdom within you, without all the clutter and noise of our busy lives.

2.      Why not redefine success? 

What are you willing to risk to live a life more in alignment to your gifts? Could you reframe success to allow room for space in your life and to get curious about your unique gifts? Ask yourself, do you define yourself by what you own, or by what you do? Or do you define yourself by who you are? Read more here on How to Break Free from the Caged Life.

3.      What lights you up?

Get curious about what inspires you. Many of us have forgotten what it feels as an adult to feel inspired, so we can create space to allow this to reignite. Sadly our society does not always educate us on the value of being inspired – but this is fundamental to living a fulfilled life. Read more here on Inspiration.

4.      How can you prioritise your own health and vitality even if it means upsetting others?

If this all feels quite indulgent, ask yourself, “have I been conditioned to believe that being a ‘good person’ is about pleasing everyone else except myself? Can I create boundaries to allow my gifts to flourish, even it means making room for conflict in others areas of life?” Read more here on making healthy boundaries

5.      How can I give meaningfully to something greater than myself?

When we find our real calling, our purpose, provided it is built on the foundation of acceptance, compassion, kindness, lightness on the earth and not harming others (yoga values) then we find that it’s not so much about us, but what the world wants from us.  Ask yourself, “What does life want from me?”  - “How can I raise humanity, add value to the world, and others from a place of love and compassion for all beings?” Read more here on finding your purpose.

Giving the unique gift of who we are becomes our greatest joy and we see our much greater potential, our inner genius, and we feel a sense of deep fulfilment, a sense of less separation from the world. Making space and time to water the seeds of your unique gifts, is therefore, not only good for you, its good for the world.

“Don’t die with your music still in you” – Wayne Dyer

*Learn more at the upcoming One-day Vitality Beach Retreat Saturday 2nd December 10am (Click the image below)

Jo Jarden is a certified personal trainer and yoga teacher in Christchurch New Zealand and the founder of Heart and Mind Yoga studio. She has 10 years experience in health promotion in New Zealand and Australia including management and promotion of national chronic disease prevention programs. She now helps people find mental peace, physical vitality and to live purpose, through health coaching, yoga teaching, personal training, workplace yoga and wellness events.