It's your birth right to thrive, not just survive


I believe that when we connect to our inner wisdom we find clues to our lifes purpose.

We start to step into our true potential and ask the big questions of ourself such as “who do I want to be?" “what are my unique gifts?” and “how can I give meaningfully to others?” We begin to step into this life whole heartedly. We live courageously and take action on this path, trusting that we have enough within us to work it all out as we go.

Most of us don’t live in this way. Many of us waste this human life simply dreaming, hoping, begging and seeking permission to live a healthier happier life.

We recieve messages from our world around us that once we get a ‘suitable’ life partner, the ‘successful’ job, the ‘perfect’ house, the mortgage paid off, then we will be happy and successful.

So we go to school, get a good job, eat, go to work, grow wealth, get jealous of others, then we die.

But perhaps this is not the only purpose of our life?

Sure, its good to have some security in our life. But as human beings we are meaning makers creatures. At some point this way of living will not fulfill us, or it will break down.

This perpetual cycle of never feeling enough, and the continual suppressing of our true self makes us depressed, anxious, and sick. Things around us start to break down. We start to break down. Our partner leaves us, theres a natural disaster, people pass away…..and we have a bit of a crisis.

So we will ask ourself…..

“What is this all about? What is my reason for being here?”

This is not a bad thing. In fact it’s part of the human challange to consider this, because we are conscious creatures trying figure it all out, and and trying to find ourselves.

We are all on this quest towards finding a purposeful life.

I have found that connecting to a higher purpose in life, that’s bigger than me, and that’s not even about me – fuels my life with meaning and joy. It challenging, but all paths have challenges, so why not choose meaningful challenge?

I think that the purpose of our life is to lead our lives from a higher place of integrity, authenticity, love, and meaning - so we live by our own core values, not defined by our mum or dad or societies idea of success.

Instead of looking outward for fulfillment, we look inward

We connect to our own inner wisdom

It is still possible to become who you were always meant to become. It is our birth right to thrive, not just survive

Its about living in a way that’s not only good for you, it’s good for the people around you, the environment, and the world - and contributing to lifting the consciousness of the world.

Is it time to step into your true potential?

Consider these 3 questions for getting clues on your purpose in life:

  • Who do I want to be? (not what is wrong with my life)

  • What are my unique gifts?

  • How can I give meaningfully to others?

Learn more and check out the upcoming offerings at Heart and Mind Yoga studio:

  1. Connecting to your Inner Wisdom with Yoga - a one day yoga workshop

  2. Beginners Yoga Course 5 weeks - starts 21 April

  3. Weekly classes at the studio

  4. Work one on one with Jo

  5. Book a Workplace Yoga session

Jo Jarden is a certified personal trainer and yoga teacher in Christchurch New Zealand and the founder of Heart and Mind Yoga studio. She has 10 years experience in health promotion in New Zealand and Australia including management and promotion of national chronic disease prevention programs. She now helps people one on one with their wellbeing through yoga teaching, personal training, workplace yoga and wellbeing workshops. 

Qualifications include: Certified Yoga Teacher Santosha Yoga Institute, Registered Australian Yoga Alliance 2017
Certificate in Advanced Personal Training, Fit College New Zealand, 2016
Bachelor of Science with Honours Public Health. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2006
Bachelor of Arts Mass Communication and Psychology. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2005

Learn more about Jo here