Heart and Mind Yoga turns 2 years old

Celebrating 2 years!.jpg

A huge heart felt THANK YOU to all of you who have made our studio what it is today - our special hub of goodness in the city!

And thank you to our teachers - especially Sayaka Kanayama who has been there almost right from the start!!

What I am most proud of is that this studio has a strong foundation.

When I opened the doors- it was a HUGE leap of faith. I honestly had no idea about how to start running a studio.

But what I knew I had (and have) is a deep knowing that I had something valuable to share.

Heart and Mind Yoga was created out of my own seeking, my own relentless inner grit to find a better way of living. (I think I get a bit of that grit from my Mum!)

I have step by step taken action into the unknown. Choosing uncertainty over security, adventure over comfort, and deep diving into life even with the fears.

Living simply and creatively has allowed me to grow as a person. I have big chunks of time in my day to learn about the science of living well and digesting it, living it, and sharing the insights with all of you. Redesigning my life to align with my unique strengths and values (rather than what society says will bring success), and doing the inner work, has enabled me to do things in my life that I actually didn't know I was capable of.

It turns out that leading my life from a place of love and trusting in the abundance of our world is also very fulfilling and rewarding.

It’s almost like opening the studio was the next logical step on my path of giving to you all what I have learnt. This is my purpose, my fire in my belly - to share with you all the powerful tools of yoga, and insights my own life about how to live with joy, courage, authenticity, fulfilment and ultimately FREEDOM.

There so much more unfolding and flourishing to come!!

It takes teacher and student to make this happen - and I am grateful and brimming with enthusiasm to share more of this wonderful adventure of life with you all.

Warm and grateful regards,



How it all began 2 years ago

Check out our next 1-Day Urban Yoga Retreat at Heart and Mind Yoga studio
Sunday 1st August 10am-4pm. Yoga, Yin relaxation, Wisdom Talks, Park walk, Meet like minded people

Or sign up to our next 5-Week Beginners Yoga Course starting Wed 18th August 7.15pm

Jo Jarden is a certified personal trainer and yoga teacher in Christchurch New Zealand and the founder of Heart and Mind Yoga studio. She has 10 years experience in health promotion in New Zealand and Australia including management and promotion of national chronic disease prevention programs. She now helps people one on one with their wellbeing through yoga teaching, personal training, workplace yoga and wellbeing workshops. 

Qualifications include: Certified Yoga Teacher Santosha Yoga Institute, Registered Australian Yoga Alliance 2017
Certificate in Advanced Personal Training, Fit College New Zealand, 2016
Bachelor of Science with Honours Public Health. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2006
Bachelor of Arts Mass Communication and Psychology. University of Canterbury, New Zealand 2005

Learn more about Jo and her studio here